Tony Robbins often tells the story about a man who came by his childhood home at Thanksgiving to drop off a basket of food. Tony's father sent the man away, but Tony was moved by the man's action, so much so that he made a goal to gift baskets of food to others.
That goal started out small, but it eventually led to the Feeding America 1 Billion Meals Challenge. More than 1 billion meals have been served to American families in need.
It started decades ago with that one man who showed up with a basket of food. Tony doesn't mention his name; Tony probably doesn't know who that man is.
There's a better-than-good chance that the man doesn't even remember that day with any kind of clarity. The stop at Tony's house was probably one of many stops that day. It was probably no different from other stops he had made on other Thanksgivings, just bringing food baskets to families in need.
Did he notice the kid standing by the doorway, noticing everything, remembering everything?
Probably not.
Did the man have a clue what kind of impact he triggered that day?
Definitely not. And he probably still doesn't.

If we can create awesome billion-people impact like Tony Robbins, then be like Tony Robbins.
Regardless, we can all be like the man who delivered the basket of food on Thanksgiving. We can all do the small, simple, kind, good deed. We don't know how far it will go. We don't know how much greatness, how much more kindness and goodness it will trigger in the world.
It may never amount to a billion people. But it always mean something to someone... perhaps a child, noticing everything, remembering everything.
And for that reason alone, it's worth doing.